viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007


As from twelve o'clock noon yesterday, children were to be seen howling and weeping in Rosso de Luna Camp. The end had sadly come. It's good to see the kids' tears as that is always a sign that they enjoyed themselves. And so did we, the staff at this camp. And it's satisfying to be able to quote their words.
"We will miss all the people in this camp. The monitors and teachers were excellent!! We will miss their classes because they teach us so many things that we didn't know. Thanks for all."
And I think that says everything. Goodbye. See you all next year.


The Interacting camp is very funny. The children are very funny and friendly. The monitors do funny games. The Hardy Family liked to go to Cáceres and it is very, very good.

On Tuesday we went to Cáceres in a public bus. We bought alot of things, for example clothes for the dance. Then we went to the swimming pool and another school. We had dinner in this school and it was a great day because we walked back to our camp.

The camp is fabulous! It's great! The friends, the monitors, the free time, the installations, the games. This is our song to describe the Interacting Camp.
The food is very bad
And it is very hot
But in Interacting Camp
You speak English alot.

We like the camp very much because we are making alot of friends. All the monitors and teachers are very funny.

Our Proud Families with their Posters

Kids Hard at Work in Many Ways

Teacher and student updating blog and wearing wigs.

Group photo and very hard at work.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2007


I see someone was in before me, so I'm not going to repeat what they have said. I'll just tell you what we're going to today. It's sports day!. So I must dash off and do some training before assembly. Tomorrow we're all going home so I'm going to make the most of my last day here on the camp.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007

Today we got up at half past eight and we dressed and then we had breakfast. After that we had an assembly. We had to prepare a talent show. In the talent show there will be jugglers, footballers, actors, dancers, singers and musicians. The Muñoz Torrero camp is going to come here and they're going to participate in the show with us. When the talent show finishes they are going to go back to their camp. After that we have a shower and have dinner, and at twelve o'clock we're going to bed.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2007


I'm sure you know who I am. Yes it's me. The one who sneaks in and out of the computer room when I think there's nobody around. Yesterday I got caught leaving. So I've come even earlier today.

Just to let you know about the truly great experiences we had yesterday. The coordinator had a surprise lined up for us. It must have been because we've been on our best behaviour! An outing to the pool! So after assembly we all rushed back to our rooms to grab our swim suits and towels. We don't often get to the swimming pool, so I can tell you it was a real treat! But it just wasn't any swimming pool. It was a huge place in Caceres.

We had our first public bus ride and went into the centre of the city. What a pretty place. The square is really lively with its bars and restaurants. We did some walking around the historic centre before dashing off to do some shopping. Hey, isn't my English really improving! I learnt that expression yesterday - dashing off- I like it.

After we did our shopping we all met up in the square again and had lunch, took photos and then headed off to the other camp, Muñoz Torero. There all the teachers and monitors were very kind to us. They accompanied us to the pool where we stayed for a couple of hours before returning to the other camp. And can you guess what happened there? Well if you read my post from yesterday you probably do. The TV cameras were there and some of us began to sing for them. I loved it.

Then we had a football tournament against Ross de Luna. We played really well but lost only by two goals. Their players were much older than us and what's more there were more of them. So we did fantastic in my opinion.

Later in the evening we watched a theatre show. I laughed alot, and so did everybody else. Then it was dinner time and back to our camp.

On the way back we had even more fun, because the bus didn't come. I walked back with a teacher and our coordinator and some other kids, and can you believe it we got there before some of them who went by car. A very nice teacher, Reyes, from Muñoz Torres and Miriam who is the coordinator of all the camps were very kind and drove the ones who didn't walk back. I loved walking through Caceres in the dark with the full moon guiding us.

I think everyone is a bit tired this morning because I can't hear the usual sound of chat. I'm going to "dash off" and have breakfast.