sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007


Hey, I've sneaked in again. It's fun. I love doing this. I thought I'd tell you that it's really stormy here in Rosso de Luna. I mean weather wise of course. What's it like where all of you other lucky guys are who are on these fab camps? Keep me posted. I'm off to breakfast now and then I'm getting myself ready for all the surprises we have here. Thre's never a dull moment here. I wonder what's going to happen today? I'll let you know.


I see you have all seen the photos of our smashing day at the pool. Do you know something? You all saw them before me. You know, I'm the craziest about learning on this camp - that's my modest opinion anyway and there are no photos of me! Perhaps somebody will notice me - sometime

Hello From Rosso de Luna

Above are some photos of our kids writing about what they did yesterday at the pool.
This is the result of their great effort:
"Yesterday we went to the natural swimming pool in Jaraíz de la Vera. The water was very very cold. There was a bridge, two showers, lots of stones and sand. We played volleyball, football and skips. We had lots of baths and swam in the icy water. At five o'clock we saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. Helicopters with lots of water, put it out." -Ángela
"Hello, we are Rosa and Fátima. When we arrived to the natural swimming pool, we dived from the brigde into the water. Then an old man asked us if we wanted to ride a horse. Then we ate sandwiches and played cards with the monitors."
"Hello, we are Samuel and Rodrigo. Yesterday, the food for the picnic was very good. We ate sandwiches and fruit. The sandwiches were pork, cheese and ham. We drank juice and water. After that we bought sweets. Some ate pizza, but it was very bad. "
So as you can see they not only had lots of fun but they learned lots of English too!!!! Yoo hoo!!!!

Our day at Jaraiz de la Vera

Well, here our some of the pictures we took at the natural pool yesterday. Check them
out. We had a blast!!!!