lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007


Hey, do you see that photo? That's the strange co-ordinator who visited us on Sunday. Someone has stuck her picture in. I wonder if she ever got to "Camino Mordisco". I hope she got where she wanted to go anyway.

But I can't stop to think about her now. Sorry! We're all going into Caceres at last. The whole camp is really excited about it. We're going on a treasure hunt and then we're all going shopping. I bet we'll learn lots more vocabulary too. There's so much to learn and it's all so interesting. And then there's the culture part too.

The afternoon sounds fun. We're off to the other camp here in Caceres where the TV will be filming us. Hey, just a thought, we might all become famous TV stars after this. What with all those acting classes in English we're having, who knows! Then we're going to see a show. It really does sound great. I better sneak out of here before I'm caught.