miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

HELLO! and welcome to the blog of ROSSO DE LUNA!!!

ROSSO DE LUNA is an awesome summer camp in Cáceres where we learn lots of English whilst playing games, theater activities, dancing, singing loads of great songs and but of course - playing football.

The students come from all over Extremadura and the staff from America, the UK, Ireland, Madrid and all over Spain.

We can't believe that we have been three days already! Take a look at some of the activities we've been doing and the people we've been meeting!


Dancing at the party!!

Working on our "Family" Project

Some of our GREAT Staff

Well....That's it for now. We've got lot's of exciting things to do this week - excursions, Theater, a Talent show....and so much more! We'll tell you all about it. SEE YOU SOON!!

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